One of the fantastic things about living in this community and being a member of the Shaganappi Community Association is our outdoor rink – lovingly created and maintained every year by dedicated volunteers in our neighbourhood. It’s got to be one of the best community rinks in Calgary!

Rink Usage Requirements
The rink is provided for the use of Shaganappi Community Association members only. If you are not a current member, you can click here to purchase/renew your membership.
Non-residents of Shaganappi are both required and able to sign up for a membership too.
Your contributions help the association and its volunteers maintain all facilities including the tennis court, hall, basketball court, and of course the skating rink!
Rink Guidance
Please only skate in the designated areas.
Please avoid skating over wet areas.
Please obey any signs that ask you to keep off, or that the area is closed.
Please help out by picking up any sticks and leaves – these are darkly coloured, and when the sun hits them, they absorb heat and melt the ice faster. Removing them now helps keep the ice in longer through the season.
Please remember that all the work to prepare and maintain the ice is done by dedicated volunteers. They are donating their time so that you can have fun. Please give them the respect they deserve.
Please help out where you can: If you see trash, pick it up and put it in the garbage. If there is fresh snow on the rink, grab a shovel and clear it off. Replace the shovel on the fence when you're done.
Most importantly, have fun and enjoy this fantastic amenity in our community.
A reminder that if you're using the rink, you're using it at your own risk. Please be mindful and respectful of other users.
We have our beautiful skating loop, a hockey rink and a small practice area,
Not to forget we also have a fire pit to warm up by! Flood lights for when the nights draw in. The rink is for everyone and we encourage families to come and enjoy the outdoors!